About us

Hi beautiful people! We are so happy you made it to our online fashion boutique. We believe in the beauty of dressing in style and how it can make a woman more empowered to accomplish amazing things. When women support each other, incredible things happen. – Jenna Kutcher


We are two friends that were tired of dressing in fashion that was not for our age. We became friends through a Facebook group that was for moms looking for mom friends (yes, very 2022). We have kids similar ages and learned and taught each other about mom-hood (the only hood) and how we can still be our own person even through the craziness. We both moved to Arizona from different states but what really brought us together was the fact that we both are from SWITZERLAND. Yes, the land of the mountains and chocolate. We each have our own unique story and are more than happy to share how we came to the USA.

After a mom night out, we realized that both of us are looking for something more and we have both been thinking about starting our own clothing boutique. That was the moment we decided to go into business together and we are so excited for you to join us on our crazy adventure. Now let’s help you feel your best with clothing that we can supply you.

Nessa grew up in a small country called Switzerland, a country known for their yummy chocolates and cheeses.
She went to a trade school to learn sales and marketing, and it was focused, mostly on fashion for women, men, and children. She loved sales so much that when she graduated, she decided to work in a high-end clothing store, that she enjoyed working at.
4 years later, unfortunately, the store had to close because of some family issues.
So in 1998 Nessa decided to move to America to learn English, because visiting America and learning a new language had always been a dream of hers. Once she knew enough English, Nessa went to school for aesthetics because she always had a passion for skin and beauty. She worked in many spas and doctors offices over the years. But then, she had an adorable son and decided to be a stay at home mom and started an online skincare business in 2023 and a little while after that she started this online clothing boutique called The Au-Delà Boutique with her great Swiss friend Bettina.

Bettina’s family

Bettina grew up in the German speaking part of Switzerland in a town called Lucerne. When she was sixteen, she had to decide on what she wanted to be and let’s be honest who knows at that time. She decided to do a foreign exchange year in the USA and was placed in Minnesota where she also met her now husband. After completing the year, she finished her studies and became a flight attendant to travel and see the world. Yes, that is where she really dived into fashion and how different cultures dress. It is a fascinating business. She moved back to the states in 2012 and has not regretted it since. She is married and has two beautiful and crazy children (Leon 6 and Claire 4). They moved to Arizona from Minnesota in 2021 and are so happy to have mountains surrounding them once again.